Aldi Produce Deals – Lettuce For $0.59!

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Do you have an Aldi store near you?  If you do, do you shop there?  If not we encourage you to check it out for some amazing deals especially on produce.  This week our Aldi has lettuce for $0.59!  Another great deal we found was Portabella mushroom caps in a 3 pack for $1.49.

We love to grill these and make Portabella mushroom burgers so we picked some up and will enjoy those this weekend!

Honestly, we never shopped Aldi until about one year ago when Jim’s mom told us about it.  The store just looked odd to us and we were never really sure what it was like so we did not go there – but when she started to tell us about the deals she scored we decided to check it out.  We were glad we did!

There are some things to remember when you shop Aldi:

  • To get a cart, located outside the store, you need a quarter.  You insert a quarter into the lock on the cart and it releases.  When you return the cart, you get a quarter back.
  • They do not give you bags.  You must bring your own bag with you, use one of their free boxes (if there happens to be any around when you check out) or buy bags at the checkout line.  We bring our own totes that we keep in the car at all times.
  • They do not bag up your groceries;  after check out you move to the bagging area where you bag/pack the items as you like.
  • They do not take coupons.
  • They do not take credit cards, just cash or debit cards

If you want to find the nearest Aldi, check the Aldi store locator.

You can also find nice consistent prices on items like tuna (always $0.50 a can), flour tortillas (around $1 and really good), mushroom stems, canned veggies, etc.  We buy quite a few of our basics there, items we don’t normally have coupons for.

Give Aldi a try – we think you’ll like it.


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