And The Winner of the Coach Purse Is….

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To all of you that entered the fantastic Coach giveaway, we have a winner!

It is Rachel P., and she has been notified by email.

Thanks for participating and we’re curious if you would like to see another Coach giveaway in the future.  Please comment yes or no below.



  1. Linda Thomson says

    Congrats Rachel!! and yes would like to see another giveaway!

  2. LaShelle Lee says

    yes would love to see another one…congrats rachel!

  3. Christine says

    I would love another giveaway!! And congratulations Rachel.

  4. yes pls

  5. Mandi Taylor says

    Congrats to Rachel. Yes, would love another giveaway.

  6. Yes Please!!!

  7. diana smith says


  8. Yes please congrats to the winner!!!

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