Daily Money Challenge – We Are In, Are You?

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This morning while browsing on Facebook I saw a post from Rachel Cruze talking about a Daily Money Challenge. Have you heard of this challenge for February?

Daily Money Challenge

Rachel Cruze is Dave Ramsey’s daughter, and she is part of his speaking team as well as a number one best selling author for her book Smart Money: Smart Kids that she wrote with her dad. She knows a thing or two about handling money but what I like about her and her videos and her blog is that she admits she likes to shop. She seems down to earth and practical so I guess that is why her ideas resonate with us.

Anyway, here is the photo she posted for the Daily Money Challenge for February. We are going to do it and thought some of you may be interested too. (It’s hard to read so we went ahead and listed them for you below.


Photo courtesy of Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze.

1. Pack your lunch tonight
2. Write down 3 things you are thankful for
3. Don’t spend any money today
4. Pay for the person in line behind you
5. Stay off social media for a day
6. Write down all debts, smallest to largest
7. Plan your dinners for the week.
8. Find out your R:IQ
9. Use only cash today – no plastic
10. Use a coupon today
11. Donate 2 items from your closet to charity
12. Cut up your credit cards
13. Write down your money goals for 2016
14. Unsubscribe from SALE emails you don’t read
15. Reflect on a psalm or proverb about money
16. Unplug for the evening – no online shopping
17. Don’t complain about money for an entire day
18. Cook at home tonight
19. Set aside $20 to splurge with later
20. Create a will, or update your current one
21. No soda today – save money and drink water
22. Get your tax papers ready
23. Do your March budget today.
24. Buy 3 generic products instead of name brands
25. Leave a nice tip for someone today
26. Save money and watch a movie at home tonight.
27. Don’t compare your things to someone else’s.
28. Say no to a purchase today and post a picture of it!
29. Treat yourself to something fun today!

Here is a short video Rachel posted talking about the Daily Money Challenge.

Join along in the challenge and post your progress on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Use the hashtag #DailyMoneyChallenge and you can follow along with others that are working on the daily tasks as well. It helps to have a group of people cheering you on and motivating you.

For more information about Dave Ramsey’s ideas and methods for winning with money you can check out Dave’s website. We’re currently taking the Financial Peace University class and you can keep up to date with our impressions and experiences in class on our website. (Just type in FPU in the search bar to find our weekly updates or check out our Thrifty Tips category.

We are really excited about changing our lives and the way we handle money. This journey is something we want to share with you, and encourage every one of you to take the step to becoming smarter with your money.

You in?

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