How To Get Free GE Reveal Light Bulbs at Target Using Coupons

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Target is a a great store because they allow you to use 2 coupons on 1 item as long as 1 coupon is a Target coupon and 1 coupon is a manufacturer coupon.  We call this “stacking coupons”.

Here is a perfect example of a coupon stack you can do right now!

Print the $2 off GE lightbulb Target coupon found here

And print this coupon:  $1.00 off when you buy any ONE GE reveal® branded product

Most Target stores will have GE bulb packs $3 or less, making them free when you “stack” these 2 coupons.  You can print each coupon twice, meaning you can actually score 2 packs of free light bulbs!

Thanks Deal Detecting Diva

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