How To Quickly Print Coupons the 2nd Time on

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When you are busy printing your coupons from, you know it can be time consuming finding them again for the 2nd time to print that second copy.  We have a shortcut for you!

How To Quickly Print Coupons the 2nd Time on


First, go here to print whatever coupons you desire.

When you are done you will see this screen: printable coupons shortcut

Click “coupons” as shown above to go back to the coupons.

Then look for the page number to the right side of the page as shown: shortcut

Click on the highest page number you see: shortcut to print coupons

Repeat until you reach the end of the available pages: printable coupon shortcut

When the “limit reached” coupons appear, like shown in our example above, the coupons you just printed are right before them.  Just click them and print for the 2nd time.  No more flipping through page by page, this is an easy time saving way to print the 2nd print of the valuable coupons.

Remember, printing coupons is like printing free money!

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