$4 Plus Money Maker on Febreze Noticables Warmer at Walmart

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Wow!  Were you lucky enough to get the $3 coupon in Sunday’s Proctor & Gamble insert for Febreze Noticeables Warmers?  If so, we have a GREAT money maker for you.

Take that coupon & hit Walmart where they are normally priced at $2.47. (Give or take a little depending on where you live).

Using your $3 coupon, you will make $$0.53 in the store (Walmart gives you overage, meaning they will actually give you back the difference or if you are buying something else it will go towards the cost of those other items).

Then, come home and submit this mail in rebate for a $3.50 check in the mail!  So you are making $4.03 on this deal AND getting a free Noticeables Warmer!  The rebate is limited to one per name or address.  You do need to mail in the original receipt.  You must mail this in by 7/15/12.

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