Free Manwich When You Buy Buns – New Printable Coupon

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Oooh this is perfect timing.  There is a new printable coupon out for free Manwich when you buy King’s Hawaiian buns.

Why is this one a welcome sight for us?  Because we are getting ready for our epic garage sale that takes place on Memorial Day weekend and since it is BIG BIG BIG event our families pitch in to help (and they sell their stuff too).  Because they are so awesome with the help, we feed them.  Sloppy Joes in the crock pot become lunch for the Friday and Saturday of the sale and we love to have King’s Hawaiian buns.

Ah, we love it when a plan comes together and the coupon universe presents the perfect coupon.  Don’t you love when that happens?

Buy KING'S HAWAIIAN Burger Buns, Get Manwich Free
This coupon can be used at ANY store, not just Walmart.
And you can print it twice, which is good because we need a LOT of sloppy joes during the sale.
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