New Target Coupons! Did You Even Know Target Has Printable Coupons?

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Savvy shoppers, do you know you can head to Target and print off coupons that you can use when you shop in Target?  These coupons are good for a huge variety of items including food, personal care and cleaning supplies.

The cool thing about these Target coupons is that you can “stack” them with your own manufacturer’s coupons to get a great deal.  For instance, they have a .50 off Target coupon for I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter.  If you printed the hot $1 off coupon we told you about here, then you could use both of these coupons at Target!

We just checked out Target’s printable coupons and found 2 really nice ones to use on their Up & Up brand, which is their store brand.  See all the Target coupons here.

.75 off Up & Up feminine care item:  their panty liners are normally .89, so they would be .14 with this coupon!

$1 off Up & Up pain relief item:  their Ibuprofen is .99 for the 24 count, so they would be FREE with this coupon!

Happy saving!


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