We Paid $3.24 For Gas – Kroger 4x Fuel Points Deal

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Don’t forget that from now until you can score 4 times the points on gift card purchases!

Yesterday we had 2 family birthday gifts to buy, so we went to Kroger to buy the Home Depot gift cards instead of to Home Depot directly.  Why?  Well, because we earned 100 fuel points for EACH card, so a total of 200 points.

That saved us $0.20 a gallon on gas.

We already had 200 fuel points + on account from our grocery shopping, so the total was a whopping $0.40 a gallon discount!!  Gas was good priced at Kroger to start with at $3.64 so with discount we paid $3.24 and we were on empty so we took full advantage of the program!

The 4x offer runs until 6/17, so be sure to buy your gift cards!



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