Free Customizable Chair & Blanket from P&G When You Spend $30

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We were browsing through our latest People and spotted this ad for P&G products.  It’s the first we heard of this offer, so we wanted to share it with you.

When you purchase $30 of P&G participating brand products from a participating retailer in one transaction, you will receive a customized spectator chair and blanket by mail.  Spending $30 at one time is not something we do too often, but if  you do and there is a participating store in your area you may as well grab the freebie.  (Shipping is free).

You can find a participating retailer here.  We checked and there is nothing near to us!

The brands that are included are:

Offer expires 7/31/12;  the $30 total is before sales tax.  Go here for more details.

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