We Are Back – Now Back To Business! (Dreams Do Come True)

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Most of you know by now that for the past couple of weeks we were away from the office on our Family Vacation to Orlando Florida.  It is something we have been dreaming of for a few years and it finally became reality.

Kelli’s sister and her family (which includes our 2 nieces and 1 nephew) along with her parents spent 12 fun filled days enjoying everything we could!  It was a magical trip, and just like they say at the Magic Kingdom – Dreams DO Come True!

We look forward to writing about the trip, the places we ventured to and most importantly sharing with you the ways we saved money so that if you have Orlando or Disney on your bucket list you can benefit from our experience.  We’ve started a new  Ways to Save When Traveling section just for information like this.

Thanks for sticking with us as we reposted some of our previous articles.  You guys are the best, and we feel so blessed to have you in our lives.  We don’t say it often enough – but we appreciate you!



  1. I am so glad you were able to take such a vacation and have such a great time. You two deserve it! We missed you but we’re glad you had such a well deserved break. Thanks for everything you two do for all of us and God bless you always! 🙂

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