Money Maker on BIC Pens at Walmart With Coupon + 4 Free Pacs of Pens

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Yes, we know it is only the beginning of July but school supply sales are beginning to start.  This week there is a *HOT* price match up opportunity at Walmart using the Staples ad.  Remember, Walmart gives overage meaning that no matter the cost of the product they give you the full coupon value.

Money Maker with coupons on BIC Pens at Walmart

Here is the mega hot money maker deal:



Price match the Staples ad at Walmart to get the BIC round stic pens (black) for $0.01

Buy 4 packs BIC round stic pens (black) @$0.01

Use (2) $1.50/2 coupons found here (fill out the form and you will then be able to print the coupon twice)

Final price:  $2.96 money maker (profit) and 4 packs of free pens 

Thanks I Heart the Mart

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