Playing Catch Up on 52 Week Saving Challenge (Reminder to Deposit Your Money)

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It’s been crazy around our house, like many of you experience from time to time too I bet.  Last week we totally forgot to post the reminder about depositing your weekly funds into the 52 Week Saving Challenge account!

Sorry!  Hopefully since we’ve been at this for the whole year you are in the habit of making the deposit anyway.  If not, just double up this week.  (If you are not sure what we are talking about, read more about the 52 Week Saving Challenge here).


Deposits due:

Week 31 (last week) = $31 due (or $22 if working backwards)

Week 32 (this week) = $32 due (or $21 if working backwards)

Remember, you will end up with a whopping $1378 in your account at the end of the year!  Woohoo!

Below is a chart so you can see how quickly your savings will grow:







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