So Excited! A Big Fat Ebates Check is Coming — Do You Earn Cash Back When You Shop Online?

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We’ve told you before how awesome Ebates is, how easy it is to use – but we are super excited to show you more proof that you should be using this free online website to earn cash back.

Check out what was in our email box:

Get started earning cash back by signing up at Ebates.  It is THE easiest way we have found to get cash back.  It works on hundreds of sites and there are no extra hoops to jump through.


Here is a little video that explains Ebates:

You can sign up for Ebates here. Once you create an account you will start accumulating cash back for your purchases. As long as you start off shopping on, there is nothing else you need to do. They track it all for you!

Linda is one of our fab readers and she just wrote to us about Ebates:

“One of the best thing you’ve done for me (besides my beautiful bag) was to turn me onto Ebates. I’m getting another check; this one for $11.22. It’s one of quite a few that I’ve gotten. When I think of all the times I ordered things online and never knew about ebates I could just scream.

Whenever I get a rebate check I split it in half and deposit it into my grand children’s accounts. It isn’t much but it all helps. Thanks. “


  1. Linda J Meyer says

    I love ebates and have used it many many times. I’m getting close to having received a total of $200 overall. It’s always been easy to use, but not too long ago I signed up to use the ebates “button”. Now it’s even more simple to use and I have less chance of forgetting. Learned about ebates through you, Kelli. Thanks once again.

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