Skullcandy iPhone 4 Slider Case – $5.99 Shipped

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Here is a super deal for $5.99 for this Skullcandy case!  Click here to check it out.

Protect your iPhone. It’s not a human baby you can wave about willy-nilly, aware of its innate resilience and survival instincts. No. It’s a sleek, precious technological instrument – a treasure you’ve got to protect, like a celebrity or a politician. Coddle and pamper it. Place it high upon a pedestal, beyond the soiled reach of doting commoners, outside the accident-prone realm of real life and pedestrian folly, to bask in the warm glow of an adoring spotlight but for the occasional awards show appearance or Super Bowl halftime lip-synch performance.

Give your iPhone/iPod Touch the positive reinforcement it deserves with a handsome Skullcandy case for just $5.99 shipped!  Choose from red, black, blue, green or yellow.


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