We told you earlier about the Brita pitcher mail in rebate deal here.
Well, last night we bought ours and here is the best deal we found at Walmart:
We used the $5 coupon found here (take the pledge to access it) and paid $4.30 out of pocket including Michigan 6% sales tax.
We will send in the rebate form for a $10 check by mail, making this a money maker for $5.70! Plus–we have a new pitcher!
I got my $5 coupon, but upon clicking on the link to access the rebate form, it said this offer is no longer good. Shucks.
The link is back live, you can print the rebate form again. Thanks!
I was so excited about this deal but it says that the $10.00 rebate is no longer available.
Heather, the rebate form is back live!
Please try again to print the form. Thanks!