How About 2 Free Packs of Gum? Check Out This Walgreens Deal

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Walgreens shoppers….want free gum?

Check out this deal:

UP2U Gum is priced at $1.49 at Walgreens

Use (2) of the $1/1 coupons from the 10/9 SmartSource insert

Use the $1/2 coupon found in the Walgreens October Coupon Book (you can find this near the entrance by the weekly ad)

Final cost:  FREE!  Yep, 2 packs of yummy gum for nadda-zip-zilch

Thanks Hip2Save!

*We’d recommend checking out with other items in case your store won’t simply adjust the coupon down to the total (coupons total $3, your purchase is only $2.98).


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