How To Redeem A Swag Bucks Amazon Voucher – Are You Earning Free Money With Swag Bucks?

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We love, love, love Swag Bucks!  It’s so easy to open a free account and use them to search online (instead of using Bing or Google search).  When you search with Swag Bucks randomly you will be awarded points that rack up in your account.  Once you reach a certain level of points you can redeem them for gift cards and prizes.  Our favorite is the Amazon gift card which only costs 450 points.

We just redeemed 450 points for one and we thought we’d show you how easy it is to take the Swag Bucks Amazon gift card and enter it in your Amazon account.  We like to have ours in Amazon so when a hot deal pops up the funds are already there and able to be applied.  This is going to be so helpful with our holiday shopping budget!

Once you have the points accrued, you click on the tab in Swag Bucks to redeem.  Pick the Amazon gift card and proceed.  Within a few days (it is not immediate), you will see the gift card pop up in your account under “My Gift Cards” (makes sense, right?).  See example below:

Once the card shows up in your Swag Bucks account, simply log into your Amazon account and under the “My Account” tab, click on “Apply a Gift Card To Your Account”.

Enter the gift card code from your Swag Bucks page and click to apply.  Remember, you are NOT using the gift card at this time.  You are simply depositing it into your Amazon account so it is available when you want to use it to buy something on Amazon.

Once you see a confirmation page like ours shown below, you are all set!

Isn’t is easy?

We really urge you to sign up with Swag Bucks and start earning free money today.  We love it and know you will too!

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