Libby’s Vegetables + Dollar General + Coupons = Love

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A while ago there was a *smoking* hot printable coupon for $1/4 Libby’s vegetables so we printed 2 from Jim’s computer and 2 from mine.  Then we realized that the stores we frequent did not carry Libby’s, so the coupons sat idle in the box of coupons…until we heard about the super Dollar General deal this week!

Dollar General has Libby’s canned veggies on sale 2/$1.  With our coupons we were able to get 16 cans for just $4!

Buy 16 cans at 2/$1 = $8

Use (4) Libby’s $1/4 coupons

Final price:  $4.00, or $0.25 a can!


  1. Where can I get a couple more of the Libby’s $1 of 4 cans of veggie

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