Part of the reason we have this website is to make couponing easy for everyone. We know that it can be overwhelming to coupon, especially if you are new. We will always strive to be a source of knowledge for you, and we want to take time to answer your specific questions.
One of the questions we hear sometimes is….
“Why Can’t I Find That Coupon”?
When we post alerts about new printable coupons, either on our website, our Facebook page or on Twitter, we are one of hundreds of bloggers spreading the word through the country. Imagine us as a commercial really for new coupons. Just like when you see a commercial on TV for a sale, you get excited about going to get that particular item. It’s just like that with coupons; thousands of people get excited and want to get that coupon.
When a company like Keebler or Kraft contract with coupon printing agencies (like or they specify how many times they want the coupon printed. We don’t know what the number options are but we know that they must differ depending on the contracts because some coupons seem to hang around for a while and some seem to disappear very fast. Popularity and the value of the coupon have a lot to do with the speed at which they disappear as well.
If you wait to print a coupon there is a chance that it will not be there when you go to print it because it has been printed the maximum amount of times the company contracted for. We use the term “reached it’s print limit” when this happens. A hot coupon goes faster because more people are excited to print it.
When you can not find a coupon we direct you to, realize it is nothing you are doing wrong, and it is not a problem with your computer. As long as you are going to the page we direct you to and are using the zip code specified to search for the coupon (if we note one), you are doing your part of the process correctly. If the coupon isn’t there, you just simply missed the window of opportunity for that particular printable coupon.
We try very hard to broadcast our alerts to you as soon as we get wind of a hot new coupon. We do this by writing about it on our website as well as posting it to Facebook and Twitter. You can join us on Facebook here. You can also join us on Twitter here.
It’s important to step back and realize that you probably won’t score every hot printable coupon that is released, and that is OK. As a coupon user you have committed to saving your family money and you should be proud and excited about every penny you save. Without your time and energy you would still be shopping the “old” way and spending way to much. Rejoice in your savings – there will always be another HOT coupon coming down the pipeline!
If you have a couponing question you would like us to address, please feel free to suggest a topic to us via the Contact Us link or on our Facebook page.