An Old Fashioned Thank You & A Happy Ending to a Bad Road Trip

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We just wrote a letter; the old fashioned kind you actually put in an envelope, stamp and send off with the mail carrier.  Yep, that is how we roll!

Do you write letters?  With the popularity of social media it is so easy to stop writing and instead send messages on Facebook or post to a Twitter page to express your feelings.

This time though we wanted to write a letter to emphasize an awesome customer service experience we had when we checked into the Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort the other day.  We have told you about the awesome HERO program at Soaring Eagle in Mount Pleasant for military members and veterans before.  We drove there to check into our free room Thursday night but guess what; the reservation was for next week.  Next week – no joke.  Arg!  We had driven over 1 hour to get there and we were exhausted … we wanted to relax and unwind and enjoy the resort.

Jim jokes that I have a hard time making any long story short (what he really means is I talk a lot), but to do just that …. we ended up having a brilliant customer service experience with the hotel manager who was able to change our reservation and get us a room for that night.  Hooray!  His name is Ben and we want his bosses to know what a great job he did at making us happy and making their resort shine, so we took pen to paper and wrote a note.

Thanks Ben for being awesome!



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