Lucky Number 7 – 52 Week Saving Challenge

It is lucky number 7, as in week 7 for the 52 Week Saving Challenge. Has the process of making a weekly deposit started to become a habit for you? If you are like us and have been doing this system of saving for a few years then it should be almost automatic. Friday for […]

Just $6 Makes a Big Difference

I know you have $6 laying around somewhere; maybe in your coat pocket or at the bottom of your purse? Take that $6 and make a difference by making week 6’s deposit for the 52 Week Saving Challenge. How would you like to have a whopping $1378 in your bank account at the end of […]

Jump Start February With Week 5 Deposit

Jump start February with week 5 deposit! How would you like to have a whopping $1378 in your bank account at the end of 52 weeks?  Imagine $1378 sitting in a bank account, earmarked for whatever you wish (maybe a vacation, maybe holiday gift giving, maybe a home remodeling project, maybe towards a new car, […]

Week 4 Reminder – Are You Saving Money Yet?

Week 4 reminder for those of you participating along with us on the 52 Week Saving Challenge. Are you saving money yet? If yes – hooray for you!! If not – why? WHY? WHY? This program is so very easy and you still have time to join in the program. If you want to jump […]

It’s Friday – Make the Deposit

It’s Friday. Make the deposit for the amazingly wonderful 52 Week Saving Challenge and then get on with having a fab weekend! We’re taking down our Christmas decorations this weekend; doesn’t that sound fun? Yeah, right. Anyway, back to being smart with money!  How would you like to have a whopping $1378 in your bank […]

January is Starting Off Great – Week 2 is Here

Who agrees that January is starting off great? Can you believe we are already nearly finished with week 2 of this brand new year? Are you in or out? Not sure what we are talking about? It’s baaaacccckkkk! The amazingly helpful 52 Week Saving Challenge! How would you like to have a whopping $1378 in […]

How Would You Like to Have $1378 in 52 Weeks?

How would you like to have a whopping $1378 in your bank account at the end of 52 weeks? Imagine $1378 sitting in a bank account, earmarked for whatever you wish (maybe a vacation, maybe holiday gift giving, maybe a home remodeling project, maybe towards a new car, the list could go on and on). […]

Why We’re Switching From Serve to Capital One 360

We are switching from Serve to Capital One 360 online banking and wanted to let you know, in case you wanted to do the same. When we started the 52 Week Saving Challenge a few years ago we decided that we wanted an online bank account that we could deposit the weekly funds into. When […]

49, 50 …. The Time is Going Fast

Are we the only ones that think the time is flying by even faster now that December is here? How is it already the 9th? Eeekk! Hopefully you are enjoying this magical time of year, like we are. We also hope you are remembering to make your weekly deposits for the 52 Week Saving Challenge. […]

Week 48 Reminder – Did you Remember?

Did you remember to make your week 48 deposit for the 52 Week Saving Challenge? If not, do so today! If so, great job!! We were out Black Friday shopping and using the debit card to pull funds from our 52 Week Savings account to pay for our holiday gifts. What a great feeling to […]