We told you about the awesome hot dog coupons out now (you can read that previous coupon alert here), and here is a great way to use the Oscar Mayer $1 off 2 hot dogs coupon to save big at Target! Buy 2 Oscar Mayer hot dogs @$2.19 each (regular price) Use $1/2 printable coupon […]
New Target Coupon Policy – Print & Save
Target Coupon Policy If you shop at Target with coupons, or you plan to, you will probably want to print Target’s Revised Coupon Policy and put it in your binder or coupon box so you have it with you should questions arise. We didn’t find anything too alarming in the new policy, to be honest. […]
Ore Ida Sweet Potato Fries Just .49 at Kroger or .79 at Target!
Did you receive the $1 off any bag of Ore Ida Sweet Potato Fries coupon in the paper this past weekend? That is a great deal and we have 2 shopping scenario’s for you: #1: Target At Target the fries are priced at $2.79 Use $1 newspaper coupon Use $1 Target coupon (available to print […]
New Target Coupons! Did You Even Know Target Has Printable Coupons?
Savvy shoppers, do you know you can head to Target and print off coupons that you can use when you shop in Target? These coupons are good for a huge variety of items including food, personal care and cleaning supplies. The cool thing about these Target coupons is that you can “stack” them with your […]
Sally Hansen Nail Care – Target Stack Scenario For Cheap Products
Coupons.com has a great new $1 Sally Hansen printable coupon. Use that at Target and stack (stacking is when you use a store’s own coupon PLUS a manufacturer’s coupon on one item) that with the $1 Target coupon found here. Sally Hansen items are usually priced quite low to begin with, so this deal should […]
Hot Lysol Wipes Printable Coupon $1.50 = Free at Rite Aid or Cheap at Target
This is hot! Head on over to Lysol’s Facebook Page & “like” them. Click on the link on the left that says Lysol Coupon. You can print a $1.50 coupon for 1 Disinfecting Wipes. (Prints twice by hitting your back button once it is finished the first time). Then, visit www.riteaid.com and sign up for […]
What To Do When The Store is Out Of Stock On Sale Items
Earlier this week we went to Rite-Aid and happily snapped up 2 bottles of the Gillette Body Wash that was on a great sale. I knew I had a BOGO free coupon, so this was going to be a nice score! At check out, I proudly handed over my coupon to the cashier and she […]