Haribo Coupon is Back – THE Best Gummy Bears ($0.49 at Walgreens)

This coupon is crazy – back and gone, back and gone, BACK! Save $0.30 on Haribo candy Starting 5/27 Walgreens has them for $0.79 with in ad coupon so if you use this printable coupon too they will be just $0.49 a bag!    

Did You Get Your Free Wet N Wild Makeup at Walgreens?

If you received the $1 off any one Wet N Wild makeup coupon in the 5/13 Red Plum insert (we did), you can score free make up at Walgreens all month long! You can pick from nail polish, lip color or lip gloss. Thanks for the photo Krazy Coupon Lady.  

Cheap Dove Candy Bars at Walgreens – $0.25 (YUM!)

If you have a Walgreens near you, you will be smiling if you like chocolate! Buy 2 Dove candy bars 2/$1 Use $0.50/2 coupon found here Pay $0.50, or just $0.25 each!

Update! Get 2 Free 8 x 10 Photo Enlargements at Walgreens (Last Day To Order)

We told you about the free 8 x 10 photo enlargement offer earlier this week – but now there is ANOTHER code you can use, so you can get 2 for free!  We suggest you create 2 orders, to avoid issues at check out. Use code FREE4ME and FREE4ME2 to score the freebies! And make […]

Money Maker at Walgreens on Starbucks Refreshers Starting 5/13

Remember that awesome coupon in the 4/29/12 Pepsi insert that was good for a FREE can of Starbucks Refreshers? Well hopefully you have not used those coupons yet because staring Sunday 5/13/12 you can take them to Walgreens and profit! Buy 1 Starbucks Refresher $0.99 Use the free coupon Pay $0 & get a $0.99 […]

Free 8 x 10 Photo Enlargement at Walgreens

I love when Walgreens runs this deal!  You can get 1 free 8 x 10 enlargement at Walgreens Photo through 5/12/12! You simply go here to Walgreens online photo studio, upload the photo you want enlarged, and complete the sale.  When you enter code FREE4ME at checkout, the price becomes zero.  Choose to pick it […]

New Kellogg's Bar Printable Coupons – Special K, Nutri-Grain or Fiber Plus Boxes Just $1

Hooray!  Coupons.com just released new coupons for Kellogg’s bar products which goes great with the current sale at Walgreens! You can use any one of these 3 new coupons to score the boxes for just $1 each! Here is the scoop: Buy 2 Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Bars, Special K Bars or Fiber Plus Chewy Bars at […]

Keebler Printable Coupon – $0.66 Crackers at Walgreens!

Woo-hoo!  Perfect timing for Keebler to release the new $1.00 off any THREE Keebler Products coupon! Walgreens has them for just $0.99 (5.25 or 5.5 ounce packages) through 5/12/12 Buy 3 @ $0.99 Use $1.00 off any THREE Keebler Products Pay $1.97 or just $0.66 each! Thanks Coupon Katrina

3 Freebies From Walgreens – No Coupons Needed

We stopped into Walgreens today and were happy to find the 3 items we were aiming to get in stock. Hooray!  You can pick up these items this week for free too. Lanacane Anti-Itch Cream $5 $5 Register Reward Final price:  FREE *** Complete Multt-Purpose Solution$7.99 Use (1) $1 off coupon from the 4/29 SmartSource […]

$5 off a $35 Purchase at Walgreens Coupon

Shop at Walgreens?  You’ll like this $5 off coupon found on their Walgreens Facebook page. Once you like the page, click the Daily Feats Walgreens tab and they will ask you a few simple questions.  Once you answer them you will unlock your coupon for $5 off a $35 purchase.  They email you the coupon. […]