Deposit The Money Honey – 52 Week Saving Challenge Week 42 Reminder

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Happy Friday, happy take the money to the bank day!  (Or, make the transfer online if you bank like we do!)

Can you believe this is already Week 42 of the 52 Week Saving Challenge?  We are so grateful we are participating in this program.  For us it means our holiday shopping is paid for.   What does this savings mean for you?   Maybe you are saving for a home repair, or a trip, or just like the secure feeling of having the money in the bank in case you need it.  Whatever the reason, we are SO glad you are saving with us!

If you are wondering what the 52 Week Saving Challenge is, you can find out more here.



52 Week Saving Challenge

It is week 42!

If you are participating in the 52 week Saving Challenge we told you about here that it is time to make this week’s deposit.

The amount for week 42 is $42,  or $11 if you decided to work backwards.


Remember, at the end of the year all participants will end up with $1378 in their savings accounts!


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