Free Chocolate! Wonka Exceptionals Free Candy Bar at Target With Catalina

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This is a great, fun deal that keeps on giving!  How can you resist FREE chocolate?

The Krazy Coupon Lady is reporting that Target has a Catalina offer ongoing on Wonka Exceptional candy bars.  When you buy one (for $2.09 approx.), you receive a Catalina for a free bar.  She reports that she took that Catalina and bought a 2nd bar (for free), and another Catalina spit out.  You could do this indefinitely if you wanted!

Do you know what a Catalina is?  It is an instantly printed coupon that spits out of the machine located at the register.  Most stores have them and they are serviced by a 3rd party (not by Target, in this example).  Catalinas can be pulled or changed at any time, without warning, so we urge you to act on this deal now if you are interested.

Let us know if you decide to do it, how many bars you got for free.


Thanks The KCL!

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