Glade Candle Money Maker at Walmart – HOT!

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We told you about the nice $1.50/3 printable coupon found here for Glade candles and that you can find these on Clearance for $1.69.

Well, a reader told us about a SCORE they found at their Walmart that turned this into a money maker!

She said that she was looking through the aisle of anything and everything Clearance at Walmart, you know the aisle…where you find everything from hearing aid batteries to bed sheets to Glade candles!!  Her store had holiday scents marked down to just $0.25!  Sure, they were probably from last year’s Christmas and fall seasons-but so what?  They still smell yummy!

Using this coupon:

and finding 3 of these $0.25 candles meant she was paid by Walmart $$0.75 to take these out of the store!!!  Remember, Walmart is the only store that pays you overage.  That means they will apply the total coupon price (even if it exceeds the price of the item) to your total.  So if she was to only buy these 3 candles with the coupon she would get back $0.75.  Most of the time though if you are like me, you are picking up other stuff at Walmart so the $0.75 money maker just helps off set the total of the other items.

There is no guarantee that your store will have these, but wouldn’t you be kicking yourself if they did and you DID NOT print this coupon?  I would!

Happy saving & if you find these at your Walmart, please let us know.  We are headed there this weekend to scope it out.

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