Have You Experienced Coupon Funk?

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Coupon Funk has officially hit our household, and we need to shake it!  By Coupon Funk I mean that we have developed a distant relationship with our coupon binder and all things related.  Has this happened to you?  If so, how long did it last?


For the past few weeks it seems that although we hear about fantastic deals and we are super excited about them, we just can’t seem to get the mojo together to actually take those printed coupons or clipped coupons to the store and “do the deal”!  We even tell you guys about the fab deal.   It’s not like the thought is not there;  in fact we’ve printed coupons and even cut them out and sorted them too.  But then ….. nadda.

We live about 30 minutes away from the nearest Kroger, Meijer, Walmart, Target, etc which we know ads to the Funk.  Going to the store takes not only effort and enthusiasm but time, and lately that has been on short supply around here.

Does this sound like excuses?  Yeh, it probably is – but mustering up the mojo is proving difficult.  When Kelli was recovering from surgery and wasn’t able to shop our routine was altered and that was a catalyst.

Make no mistake, we have not been shopping at all – with our without coupons.  We still shudder to think of shopping without my coupons;  that will NOT happen!

We’ve just got to shake my Coupon Funk.

Any ideas?


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