*HOT* $2 Sara Lee Deli Meat Printable Coupon & $1.50 Coupon

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Woo-hoo!  Head to Facebook and “like” the Sara Lee Deli page.

Then you can print a super special $2/1 coupon!  The last time we bought Sara Lee deli meat we happened to be in Kroger right when they had marked some down to $2.47 a pack.  Right place at the right time!


You can print the coupon 2 times, but an ad does print after it so to save ink be ready to hit “cancel” on your printer.

And don’t forget about the other meat coupons you can print as well including the $1.50 Sara Lee meat coupon:

$1.50 off Sara Lee pre-sliced meat$1.50 off Sara Lee pre-sliced meat

View all the meat coupons here.

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