HOT Crayola Toy Deal at Toys R Us (12/1 Only) – Featuring the Light Designer!

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There way a new Crayola coupon that launched Friday and our pal over at Coupon Clippin Daddy put together a sweet scenario for a Crayola bundle at Toys R Us.  Right now, through 12/1/12 (today) Crayola is on sale Buy One, Get One 50% off.

Here is the deal:
1- Crayola Digital Light Designer $59.99
1- Crayola Marker Airbrush Set $24.99 ($12.49 after BOGO sale)
1- Crayola Washable Kid’s Paint 10-Pack $6.99
1- Crayola 24-count Mini Twistables Crayons $5.99 ($2.99 after BOGO sale)

Total = $82.46

Use the $5.00 off Crayola Digital Light Designer coupon

Use the $2.00 off any Crayola products coupon

Pay $75.46 and get a $10 Toys R Us gift card (if you  have the Wendy’s coupon found here) and submit for the $5 and the $3 rebate found here

Total after rebate and gift card:  $57.46, a savings of over $40 from regular prices!



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