HOT! Old Navy $10 Groupon is Back!

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Remember we told you about this before, the $10 Groupon for $20 worth of Old Navy items?

It is back! $10 for $20 at Old Navy

The Fine Print

  • Expires Jul 30, 2011
  • Limit 1 per person. Groupon purchase may take up to 48 hours to process. Valid on purchase of $20 or more until 7/30/2011 at Old Navy Stores only. Product restrictions apply. One time use in US only. Not transferable. Not valid for cash/cash equivalent. Not combinable with other offers. Good for $20 of merchandise ($10 Paid For value plus $10 Discount Offer value). Discount Offer value expires 7/30/2011. $10 Paid For value does not expire.
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