Hot Target Foodsavers Deal – Freebie Alert With These Coupons (New Video)

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You can snag the most awesome freebie at Target with these coupons!  Word broke of this deal Monday morning while we were at a doctor’s appointment so hopefully you have printed your coupons.

Word is that the $10 Target one is gone, but hopefully they will bring it back.  Check out our video of our score today:

Print the $10 off any one Foodsaver coupon found here and print the $2 off any Foodsaver bag or roll coupon found here.  (You’ll need two of the $2 coupons to do the deal).

Then print the $10 off Target Foodsaver coupon and the BOGO Free Foodsaver bag or roll coupons found here.

Go to Target and buy the $19.99 handheld Foodsaver.

Buy 2 packs of the bags, @$8.99 each

Use the $10 and (2) $2 mfg coupons mentioned above

Use the $10 and the BOGO Free Target coupons mentioned above

Pay $4.99 for all 3 items!

Thanks Deal Detecting Diva

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