**Hot Wheels Super Deal at Family Dollar – With Sale & Coupon

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Oh my!  I just returned from Family Dollar and stocked up for Toys for Tots donation items using the super awesome $10.00 off Hot Wheels with $50 purchase coupon!

Family Dollar has Hot Wheels items on sale, 25% off.  This includes vehicles, sets, etc.

Look at what we scored today for $51.50 + tax:

This is what we bought:

(4) track sets @$10 each, on sale for $7.50 = 30.00

(7) 5 packs of cars @$6 each, on sale for $4.50 = 31.50

Total before coupon:  $61.50

Use $10.00 off Hot Wheels with $50 purchase coupon

Final price:  $51.50 for all of it!

*We could have actually only bought 6 of the car packs, for a total of $57 pre-coupon and $47 after coupon.  However, since we are getting them to donate, we figured we would pick up the 7th one.

Our Family Dollar store’s registers are never coupon friendly and often will not scan coupons.  This is what happened today, and the cashier manually entered the $10.00 off Hot Wheels with $50 purchase coupon.

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