How to Dry Wet Winter Gloves Faster

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When we have the nieces and nephews over to go sledding on our huge snow hill that Jim builds, they always come in with damp or wet gloves.

Even when Jim is outside in the winter, his gloves get wet.  Kelli’s gloves never get wet because she is not a Winter girl and spends the least amount of time outside as she must!

Anyway, Jim thought of a clever solution to help the gloves dry out faster and we wanted to share it with you.  It should be noted that we try and use our dryer as little as possible, so while that is a solution, we prefer air drying.

How to dry wet Winter gloves faster

First, find an empty cardboard tube.  This can be from a roll of paper towels, a roll of wrapping paper, or a shipping tube.

Cut the tube into sections as shown, about 4-5″ long



Insert a section of the cut cardboard into each glove, which will keep it open and allow the air to circulate inside the glove, helping it to dry much faster.

You can even set the gloves near a furnace air duct or a fireplace to speed up the drying process.


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