Imagine Waking Up & All Your Favorite Bloggers Are Gone!

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Today, many big websites are going “Black” in protest of SOPA & PIPA. In a nutshell, SOPA & PIPA would bring Internet Censorship. SOPA was in the House of Representatives, but it has been tabled by President Obama, but can be picked back up at any time. PIPA is what it’s called in the Senate and it’s still live. Vimeo has an excellent video on SOPA & PIPA and how it would affect the internet and lead to The Clever Couple and many of your favorite bloggers to be shut down! It explains these bills better than we ever could.

PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

So basically, Facebook and wikipedia and your favorite deal bloggers would get shut down. Why? Because all you need is one cooperation to sue you and say you have infringed on their rights and they can get your site closed. Facebook would go first and fast because think of all the video people upload! And pictures!

To be quite honest, The Clever Couple is so small that Congress could care less if we go “Black”. But what do our Congressmen and Senators care about even more? VOTES! It’s an election year! So, if you would like to protect The Clever Couple and help other deal bloggers across the internet stay online, then take a few minutes to write an email or call your Senator and tell him to vote NO on PIPA and tell your Congressman that you do not want SOPA to come back to life on the floor! Tell them that interenet Censorship is not acceptable!

Senators ~ go HERE *You can easily pull up your senators by state and send them an email or call!

Representative ~ go HERE *This site helps you to easily identify who your Representative is and write to them.

Thank you for taking a minute to help keep The Clever Couple and countless other websites free of censorship!

Thanks to Vimeo for the video!

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