Kroger Paid Me $25 For My Prescription – Again!

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We told you guys before about the various promotions that exists from time to time for transferring or bringing a new prescription to places like Target, Meijer, Kroger and Walgreens.

Well the Kroger one is our favorite – they give you $25 when you transfer a prescription!  $25!  This offer was widely promoted in the store a few months ago so we were not sure if it was still going on when we stopped by the store yesterday but we thought it was worth asking.  There were no signs or brochures mentioning it.  Sure enough, the pharmacist tech said it was!  Zippity do dah….I was so happy!

I gave them my pill bottle and they transferred my script from Walgreens to Kroger.  (Keep in mind Walgreens paid me $25 for the script when I had it filled last time…).  It’s so easy, and the kicker is that this prescription has been filled by them before.  I was not sure it would still qualify for the offer because of that, but it did.  I think they just want as much business as they can get from their rivals so as long as it can be transferred they are happy.

The $25 is loaded right to my Kroger card and I can use it whenever I wish.  So awesome!

If you have scripts to fill be sure and hunt around for a money saving deal like this!


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