Guys, if you have a Kroger around, make sure and print the coupons we told you about yesterday on the Pillsbury refridgerated rolls. (You can find the details about the coupons here).
Kroger has many of these items 4/$5 this week. I took my $1/2 coupons and scored 4 tubes of biscuits (the 10 count), 4 crescent rolls (the small tubes are the ones on the sale) & 4 tubes of sweet rolls (5 count are the ones on sale)!! My Kroger doubles the coupons so I only paid $0.25 each for them. If your Kroger will not double the coupon you will pay $0.75, which is still a great price.
Usually we only see coupons that are $0.40/2, so this $1/2 coupon option is awesome.
Happy shopping!
Note: Our Kroger sales run Monday to Sunday, so you still have 2 days to take advantage of the deal.