If you have been meaning to sign up for the free smartphone app that we have told you about called Ibotta – please do so today! 1/15/14 is the last day to sign up and qualify for the $10 bonus!
Our Ibotta contact emailed us to make sure we pass this information onto our readers – they are about to make changes to the program! Go here to sign up for Ibotta TODAY. It’s free, and you don’t have to do anything else today except sign up. Then you have until 1/22/14 to complete the bonuses.
Ibotta works with the following devices:
-Android devices running on platform 2.2 and newer
Ibotta pays you cash for learning about your favorite products and then buying them in the store. Not points or credits – real cash. You can earn cash each time you go shopping. The more you use Ibotta, the more cash you can earn.
Once you sign up you will see the huge variety of offers that are available. It’s super easy to use Ibotta, and uploading your receipt once you make a purchase takes about 30 seconds. We’ve created a video showing how easy it is. You can watch the TCC Ibotta video here or click below.