Lava Bar Soap Printable Coupon – As Low As $0.39 at Kroger

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Lava soap is perfect for getting the grimey stuff off your hands;  Mr. TCC likes to have it around the house.  Kroger has the single bars priced at $1.39 and with the new printable coupon you can score a nice price on it.

Print the $1.00 off One Lava Twin Pack or Two bars coupon (use zip 35242 if you have a hard time finding the coupon)

Buy 2 @$1.39 = $2.78

Use the $1.00 off One Lava Twin Pack or Two bars coupon

Pay $0.89 each bar or if your store is a “high doubler” and will double the $1 coupon they are just $0.39 a bar!

Thanks I Heart Kroger


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