Maybe or Maybe Not: The Bic $1/2 Coupon is Back! Print It For Free BIC Pens!

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This was a quickie last time, so don’t dilly dally.  I can’t verify if this is live or not as I reached my print limit already before.

Paul at I Heart The Mart says it is back, and he is pretty clever, so hop over to zip 90210 and see if you can print the $1 off 2 BIC coupon.

You can use this for 2 packs of free pens at Target (or price match at Walmart).


The comments on his blog look like about 50% of the readers are printing it.  It’s worth a shot.

Remember before it had a printing issue and you HAD to print it with another coupon.  Make sure to select this coupon and 1 other so it prints correctly.

Good luck!



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