Money Maker Alert: Free K-Y Jelly at Walmart With $3 Printable Coupon

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This is a great opportunity to nab some free K-Y Jelly at Walmart and make a little extra money on overage to apply towards something else.  (Walmart lets you keep the overage.  For example if you use a $3 coupon on a $2.80 item, you’ll get credit for $3 on your bill.  The .20 is referred to as “overage” in coupon terminology.)  You can check out our previous post about scoring overage on Ivory soap for more explanation.

Head over and print the $3 off SmartSource coupon for any K-Y Jelly (excluding trial size).

Walmart has 2oz. K-Y Jelly for $2.62 (price may vary a teeny tiny bit due to region)

Use $3 coupon

.38 overage towards something else!

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