Nationwide Letter Carrier’s Food Drive Today

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Today (5/9) is the annual Letter Carrier’s Food Drive; your mail carrier will collect any non perishable food items you set out for donation when they deliver your mail.

This event is the nation’s largest single-day food drive, and is held annually on the second Saturday in May. The country’s 175,000 letter carriers will collect donations left by residents near their mail boxes. They will be joined by retired letter carriers, by family members and friends, and by countless volunteers to help collect and distribute the sacks of non-perishable food items that get left next to generous customers’ mailboxes this morning.

Go through your stockpile and give – it’s a great feeling and a perfect way to share the bounty you have accumulated through smart shopping.


You can find the food drive on Facebook and Twitter as well if you want to help spread the word!

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