There is just 1 coupon insert this weekend so we have found a cheaper way to get more inserts than buying multiple copies of the newspaper (ours is $2 per copy).
We ordered extra inserts from eBay. We do this all the time, and it is easy and fast.
Go here to see the 4/21 coupon insert listings. We paid $5 including shipping for 5 inserts – which would have cost us $10 if we went out and bought the papers. This is a 50% savings!
Here are some tips:
- Go here and sort by price + shipping, lowest first
- Read the seller’s description; we like to look for a seller that lists the coupons you will receive because we know coupons vary by area and we want to be sure we are getting a “meaty” insert
- Check the seller’s feedback; avoid those sellers that customers complain about