New Iams & Purina One Cat Food $1/6 Coupons

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There are 2 coupons available for wet cat food that you are going to want to print if you are a cat lover!  (or if you like to donate to pet shelters like we do).

$1.00 off SIX Wet IAMS Cat Food

$1.00 off six Purina ONE wet cat food, 3 oz cans


The Iams is $0.75 each (regular price) at Kroger.

Use the $1.00 off SIX Wet IAMS Cat Food coupon

Pay $0.58 a can after the coupon

*If your store doubles coupons, pay just $0.41 a can!

You can use these coupons anywhere – so be sure and print them so you have them.

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