New Series – You Sold That for How Much? (Reselling Items For Profit on eBay)

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We have decided to start a new series that will share with you all a glimpse into another aspect of our lives, as online sellers.  You may or may not know that The Clever Couple isn’t our full time gig;  we run several of our own businesses and a few of them include selling online.  We are long time eBay fans, buyers and sellers.  Back about 13 years ago we sold our first item on eBay which was an old glass beer bottle we found inside of a wall while we were doing construction on our old home.

We sold that beer bottle for over $75, and were instantly hooked!  From that point on we kept our eyes open for things around the house that we were no longer using that we could sell.  Lifelong fans of garage sales and flea markets, we started to shop for items to sell as well.  I compare it to gambling in a way – you wager a little bit of money to buy something while you go on a hunch and take a chance that it will make you money.  Most of the time, luckily, we are right.

Fast forward a few years, and 1 move later.  I  quit my full time job and began to run our online selling business full time from home.  Jim joined me about 7 years ago and we never looked back.  We’re entrepreneurs at heart and we work hard but we play hard too.

Anyway, because selling on eBay is something any of you can do – we wanted to start a weekly feature to encourage you and educate you and hopefully help you too.  We’re going to showcase one item (or more) a week and tell you where we found it, what we paid for it and how much it sold for.


You can follow our eBay sales adventure on either of our two websites Vintage Collectible Memorabilia and Dream Adventures.  We also sell on Amazon, and flip larger things on places like Craigslist and Facebook Yard Sale Groups (check out our 13 tips on using Facebook Yard Sale Groups).




Here is a glimpse of some of the vintage items we are currently selling (most found at thrift stores, garage sales, etc):

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