One My Pet Info 911 2-Tag System Just $14.99 + Free Shipping

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Do you own a cat or a dog?  How would you feel if they were lost?

We just read about this One My Pet Info 911 2-Tag System and think it is brilliant.  Usually around $44, it is on sale at Doggy Loot here for just $14.99 and free shipping!


Looking for a perfect solution for your pet information needs?  Check out the My Pet Info 911 2-Tag System. This is a two tag system; your pet wears only one tag that holds all of your pet’s most detailed records, and you hold a matching tag on your keychain to access them at any time. Both tags contain a QR code and a URL that links to a pet profile that you create. That profile holds your pet’s photo, name, description, temperament issues, dietary needs, medicinal/vitamin needs, medical history, and insurance information as well as information about how to return your pet to you and GPS Mapping.

How it works:

If your pet unfortunately gets lost and someone scans the tag with their smartphone or types the included URL into a computer, you are immediately notified by e-mail that your pet’s tag was scanned and given the location at where it was scanned. If you notice that your pet has gone missing, you can log in to your account by scanning the QR code on your key tag or entering the URL into a computer. Once in your account, you will be prompted to input info about your pet (such as the last location of your pet). When you click “send” you’ll instantly notify all local Animal Shelters, humane society and/or dog catchers that your pet is missing, so that they can be on the lookout. You can also use this key tag to simply access all of your pet records in one easy place.

Additional benefits:

My Pet Info 911 2-Tag Systems are waterproof, durable, and lightweight.
Pet profiles and 2-Tag Systems are lifelong investments. (You can switch the tag to a new pet at any time or use with future pets.)
There are two layers of security to secure the privacy of each pet and owner.
You do not have to renew your membership every year.

Go here to snag this amazing system for just $14.99 + free shipping!

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