Ooodles of Cereal Coupons – Kellogg’s & General Mills

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It caught us be surprise the amount of cereal coupons available to print right now from Kellogg’s and General Mills.

Have you taken a minute to glace at the available cereal coupons lately?  Wow!


Here are the available cereal coupons:

$0.50 off 1 Kellogg’s Special K Granola Cranberry
$1.00 off any TWO Kellogg’s Special K Hot Cereal
$0.50 off ONE Kellogg’s Raisin Bran
$0.50 off any ONE Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes
$1.00 off any TWO Kellogg’s Special K Hot Cereal
$1.00 off any THREE Kellogg’s Special K Cereal
$1.00 off any TWO General Mills cereals listed
$0.75 off any ONE box Fiber One cereal
$0.75 off ONE BOX Golden Grahams cereal
$0.75 off ONE BOX Star Wars™ cereal
$0.50 off ONE BOX Original Cheerios cereal
$1.00 off ONE BOX Chex™ Clusters™ cereal
$1.00 off 1 Box of Barbara’s Cereal or Granola

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