Order Pre-Printed Shoeboxes – Operation Christmas Child

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We are new to participating in the Operation Christmas Child charity this year but we are excited.

We are planning to donate 25 boxes for boys ages 10-14. One of the thoughts we had was that we are going to have to ask friends and family to start saving shoe boxes for us to use because we only have 3 or 4 in the house.

However, today we found out that you can order shoeboxes from Operation Christmas Child directly. They are not free, there is a suggested donation amount calculated based on your zip code and you need to order them in packs of 100.


In our zip, 100 boxes would cost about $38 shipped.

Find out more or order pre-printed shoeboxes here.

We are going to see if any other local friends or family are participating and see if they want to share a carton with us.

You can read more about OCC here, and find 75 ideas for OCC shoebox toy items to include also.



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