Organic Cascadian Farms Cereal (Including Granola) $0.18 (No Doubling Needed)

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As part of the awesome Kroger Mega Event, organic Cascadian Farms cereals are priced at $1.99 each (when you buy any 5 participating items).

This includes the granola!  This brand is found in the healthy foods section of the store.


Buy 1 Cascadian Farms cereal @$1.99

Use the $0.75 off one Cascadian Farm product coupon

or the $0.85/1 coupon found here

Pay as low as $1.18 or just $0.29 if your Kroger doubles the coupon

Submit for the $1 cash back on 1 Cascadian Farm granola cereal Ibotta deposit

Final price:  $0.18 or free, depending on your double policy


This is just one of MANY awesome Kroger Deals!  View all the Kroger Deals here.

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