Save on Gas! Get 4X Fuel Points on Gift Cards – Kroger

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Right now through 6/22/13 you will get 4x the fuel points when you buy gift cards at Kroger.  This is a great way to save money on gas;  100 fuel points saves you $0.10 off per gallon of gas at Kroger fuel stations!




Offer not available in Alabama, Missouri or Louisiana.

You must buy the cards in the store (not online) to get the 4x bonus.

Try and remember that they offer cards for hundreds of stores;  buying Dad something for Father’s Day at Home Depot or Lowes?  Buy a gift card first and then use that to buy the gift.  You’ll earn fuel points!

Buying a graduation present for someone?  Buy a gift card first and then use that to buy the gift.  You’ll earn fuel points!

Heading out on vacation and need to do some shopping first?  Buy a gift card first and then use that to buy the gift.  You’ll earn fuel points!

(You get the idea…)

Learn more about Kroger Fuel Points here.

***And don’t forget about the 2X fuel points on groceries when you shop Friday, Saturday or Sunday.  Check out that ecoupon here.

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